Seoul Soul Saved

Seoul savedHello fellow citizens of planet earth!

My name is Dami and am a 32-year-old South Korean woman, now living in the U.S.A., working at becoming a citizen.  I wish to share my story at becoming a citizen.  I wish to share my story with anyone willing to accept my words.

I have been on my own now for the past 12 years.  My parents and my brother were killed in an auto accident in South Korea when I was 20 years old.  That event was very difficult for me to accept and I went into deep depression.  I was in college with a business degree as my goal.  With my family’s sudden deaths, my life stopped.  Nothing meant anything to me, nothing was worth living to me.

At this point in my life, I searched for a way to end my life, but I wanted it to end in my sleep… to go peacefully, not even knowing I am gone, just gone!

I studied medical books very hard, and learned all I could on how I could overdose, just go to sleep and to never wake up.  After weeks, I located people who did supply me with two medicines, enough to cause me to go into a deep, eternal sleep.  I packed up my worldly possessions and donated them to needy people.  I planned my “last supper,” as that night I would no longer exist, my pain and loneliness would be gone.  I went for a walk in the park at 2 P.M.  I loved to smell the flowers, are beautiful to look at, and the warm sun and fresh air just seemed to fill me with a joy.

A beautiful bird began to sing in the bush next to me.  It seemed to be singing just for me.  Then, to my surprise, an elderly woman was standing next to me.  I did not see or hear her walk up to me.  She greeted me, and she said, “Isn’t the world that God made very beautiful?”  I was silent, as she stood looking at me.  She put her hand on my back, and I felt a strange warmth fill my body.  She said, “God gave us all good things, please enjoy them into your old age.”  The bird sang louder, the sun got warmer, the breeze got stronger, and the flowers smelled so good, as I turned to watch the colorful bird sing.  I turned back to the old woman, but she was gone.  I did not see her walk away, but she must have!  I ran to see where she was, but she was nowhere to be seen.

I began to walk back to my apartment.  Along the way, an elderly man was walking the opposite way and had a smile on his face.  He said, “Jesus loves you!”  He handed me a folded piece of paper, I felt “strange” when I stared into his eyes.  I kept walking to my apartment, I still heard the bird singing, I still smelled the flowers.

In my apartment, I looked at the paper that the old man gave me.  It said that it was a “salvation tract.”  I had no idea what that was.  I began to read it.  It was printed in the U.S.A.  It told how Adam and Eve sinned, how God was not obeyed, that mankind was created to live forever, but sin brought death and the punishment of Hell, a place of torment.  It went on to tell how much God still loved mankind, and how God sent His special one-of-a-kind, sinless Son in human form go give himself as a sacrifice to save those who place their faith 100 percent in Jesus Christ.

Then, it gave what they called “The Roman Road to Salvation,” and as I read it, the aroma of flowers filled me, and the warmth of the sun was around me, the sound of birds singing filled my mind, and the thought of the old woman and the old man came back to me.

I ran to the cabinet and grabbed the envelope of pills that I planned to take that night.  I washed them down the sink, and I cried!  And cried.  And cried.  And, I shouted to God and told Him that I am a sinner.  I then apologized to God and told Him that I would trust that Jesus Christ gave up His life to save me!  The birds stopped singing, and the aroma of flowers was gone.  The warmth of the sun was not there.  I was not depressed and was not sad.  I found real peace, real joy, because God forgave me!  I am saved!

Since that day, I got educated and have a good job.  I live in the USA now.  I am saved!  I am so blessed, so happy, and so full of joy!

People tell me what happened to me was either a miracle from God or my imagination.  They tell me that it has not happened to anyone else like that.  Well, it did happen to me that way!  I have read and studied the Bible ever since that day.

Reader… SEEK GOD! God is real!  Jesus Christ is Savior.  God bless you… as He did me.

Artist: Dami, now living in the USA
Editor: Paul Bero, Michigan
© Con-Tracts 2020

This tract may be copied in its entirety for freed distribution.  Please pass it on to others.


The Roman Road

I had a pretty good opinion of myself until a friend invited me to take a walk down the Roman Road. He used a single book in the Bible to open my eyes to my relationship with God, and I haven’t been the same since.

He warned me that the trip might hurt, and he was right because he started by revealing my real status before God.

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God… Romans 3:23

Then I learned of sin’s penalty.

For the wages of sin is death… Romans 6:23a

He went on to tell me that God loves me so much he offers an alternative called “Eternal Life” …but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ… Romans 6:23b.

Then he showed me how God provided his son Jesus as an atoning Sacrifice for my sin. Jesus took my penalty! But God commendeth his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

I wondered if God would accept me. He assured me with even more good news. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13

My friend showed me what I should do to receive Eternal Life. That if thou confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved… Romans 10:9

We prayed together, and I gladly accepted God’s gift of Eternal Life through Jesus Christ.


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