If you are, or have been in prison, the military, or a college campus, I think you will understand how GREAT it is to share a room with a GOOD BUNKIE. Sometimes around the early years of 2000 one of the Michigan prisons had a newspaper, an article on a good Bunkie include the following: A GOOD BUNKIE: Helps keep the room clean. Is quiet. Uses headphones to watch TV or listen to radio, at a sound level only he hears. Covers his mouth when he coughs or sneezes. Doesn’t slam the door. Doesn’t leave his dirty clothes on or near his Bunkie’s’ area. Takes full responsibility for any rules he violates in the room. If one Bunkie has some sort of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder he won’t let it interfere with his Bunkie. Now, mind you, the list went on….. to about 30 different areas. Even if some items seemed a little nitpicky, it still came down to the fact that we should all try to give respect to our Bunkie. Being a Bunkie does not mean you have to be best friends, it just means getting along peacefully with respect. Well if YOU can become a better Bunkie, why not work at it, it just creates peace in the room. What would be wrong with THAT? Unfortunately, no matter how GOOD of a Bunkie you are, being good won’t get you into Heaven! Oh, yes, we ALL need to live with each other peacefully, this world would be a really GREAT place if we truly had world peace. We should work together for that goal. However good we are, even if it benefits us in this life, it WILL NOT get us into Heaven! So then, how do we get into Heaven? Be good? NO! Go to church? NO! Say certain prayers? NO! Paying your tithes? NO! Feed the hungry? NO! Give money to charity? NO! Make a secret deal with God? NO! There is only ONE WAY into Heaven. Jesus Christ (who is God in the flesh) said this: “I AM THE WAY….” When you realize that NO ONE that has ever lived on this earth (except Jesus Christ) has been without sin, then you realize that YOU are a sinner! A sinner, in God’s eyes must end up in hell! But, because God loved us, He made a WAY for us to get into Heaven. Consider your sins, consider the WAY to Heaven.
Editor & Founder : Paul Bero, Michigan Prisoner #192686
The Bible in John 3:16 says that God loved us so much that He sent Jesus Christ to pay for our sins. Pick up a Bible today!
This tract is © 2012. However, we invite anyone to reprint it for free distribution to prisoners.