(Editor’s Note: This woman is not using her real name, as she has been in prison since 2012. She will be released in 2023, if all goes well.)
Here is Rosa’s story in her own words:
Hola! Hola fuego del inferno!
I’m Rosa, 32 years old in 2013, single, no kids, 5’ 8,” 128 pounds, Latino, proud, and will be in prison for some time yet. I was the youngest of five children, my parents were common laborers, we were a poor family. My two brothers joined the Air Force, got well educated, they have good jobs. My two sisters worked hard, and both eventually married men with good jobs. As for me, I was wild, maybe loco, maybe stupid! When I was a teenager, I hooked up with a 23-year-old who belonged to a biker club. There were other girls close to my age too. We all drank beer and did various drugs. I could drink some men under the table! I became tough, I fought every female in the club of all ages, and I always won a fight. I even fought a few men! I was tough, beautiful, proud, and loyal to the club. Over the years, I took part in some crimes too. My family was the club. My familia! I never took part of any homicidio premeditado, No! No murder! But, as I look at my past, I know I should have come to prison years ago! Creo que estoy enfermo, sick of the life of a Diablo puta!
But now, I explain what it was that got me in prison. There was a young boy, 18 years old. He came to our club and wanted to join us—to join our cachiporra. The club took him in, but kept an eye on him and told him very little. During his first four months in the club, we had the police raid us several times. This was not normal. At a secret meeting, the club decided this boy is a “rat,” a snitch, an undercover policia! It was voted to eliminate this boy in a way that no one would know. I was not at this meeting, I had no knowledge of any of this at that time. The club called me in, when I arrived, they handed me the keys to a car. This car I had never seen before. I knew it must be stolen. I took the keys and was told to drive this car to a location that was quite remote. I had never been there before—a place in the wilderness. They walked me to the car, took the keys from me, opened the trunk, and there lay the boy—tied up, gagged, in the trunk. I then knew what was planned, and I was loyal to the club, loyal, yes! They slammed the trunk down, handed me the keys, told me to go now, as I walked to the front of the car, one of the men called my name. I turned to him, and he was pointing his pistol at me with a big smile. I smiled back at him, got in the car, and began the long journey—a two-hour drive.
As I drove, I thought only of the boy in the trunk. I drove, not one hour, not two hours, not even four hours, but more than that. I could not let them kill the boy! I came to a small city and my mind was not on driving, so I did not see a red light and ran it! Within seconds, a police car was behind me with his siren on—I wanted to speed away, but I was scared of what to do. I stopped the car, and the boy started to kick inside the trunk. The police pulled his pistol out, handcuffed me, then opened the trunk and called for back-up, as he helped the boy sit up. I was arrested for auto theft, kidnapping, and conspiracy to commit murder.
When my trial in court began, the boy showed up to testify in my defense! He told the judge and the court that he heard everything and that I saved him by not driving him to the place of execution. This is why I did not get “life” or death penalty, but I got time for my part, my stupidity got me into prison, my loyalty to the wrong people got me in prison!
It was here in prison, I found a salvation tract, this tract was made by a prisoner and printed by Otto Ball of Hyde, PA. The title was, “Come on Down! The Price Is Death!” Those words and the artwork caught my eyes. I wanted to read it, and I did read it, and I found other similar tracts. I read them all. But one was titled, “If I Die Tonight, I Will Wake Up in H____.” And when I read it, the word came to my mind was, “Hell.” I was scared! I did not want to end up in Hell, I want the word, “Heaven,” to be there, not Hell! I read this tract. I could not get to sleep that night, as I was scared if I died in my sleep, I’d be in Hell for sure.
I kept reading the tracts over and over, as each one told me that Jesus Christ came to save me and that He died in my place, if I believe in only Him for salvation.
Even me? Rosa? The evil sinner that I am, Jesus Christ would want to save even me? All that I have done, He forgives me? Me? Rosa? I do not have to end up in Hell? Oh, my Lord and my God, my Savior Jesus Christ, I do believe it. I truly believe in you! In prison or out of prison, if I die, I will end up in Heaven! I am not the Devil’s whore! I am a child of God, forgiven, saved, full of joy, my life is new. I am a new creature in Christ!
Gracia a Dios! Dios Le guarde!
Your new hermana in Christ,
The Roman Road
I had a pretty good opinion of myself until a friend invited me to take a walk down the Roman Road. He used a single book in the Bible to open my eyes to my relationship with God, and I haven’t been the same since.
He warned me that the trip might hurt, and he was right because he started by revealing my real status before God.
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God… Romans 3:23.
Then I learned of sin’s penalty. For the wages of sin is death… Romans 6:23a
He went on to tell me that God loves me so much he offers an alternative called “Eternal Life” …but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ… Romans 6:23b.
Then he showed me how God provided his son Jesus as an atoning Sacrifice for my sin. Jesus took my penalty! But God commends his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
I wondered if God would accept me. He assured me with even more good news. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13
My friend showed me what I should do to receive Eternal Life. That if thou confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved… Romans 10:9
We prayed, as I gladly accepted God’s gift of Eternal Life through Jesus Christ.
Con-Tracts © 2019
Editor: Paul Bero, Michigan
Car Artist: Ricky Spooner
Girl Artist: Anonymous
This tract may be reprinted in full for free distribution.