Take down that cross!

crossWhy do so many people want crosses removed from public places? What problems do crosses cause?

Most people will tell you that the cross represents Christianity and Jesus Christ who was on the cross. But, if that is true then those very people are actually admitting that history and the Bible are true. If history and the Bible are true I need to ask this question: What is the problem?
Did you know that thousands of people were put to death by the Romans in the days of Jesus Christ? Did you know that the Jewish historian, Josephus wrote, in history, about Jesus being crucified? Did you know that thousands of people have been put to death on crosses in Egypt, Germany, Assyria, Greece, as well as in other countries? Even in the 1500s Japan put some people to death on the cross. The amazing fact is this: out of MANY THOUSANDS of people who were put to death on a cross, only ONE name is really remembered and known all over the world!

Why is it that for centuries, out of all those people who died on a cross, only ONE name is remembered? People who are not Christians will know it was Jesus Christ that died on that cross. Theists will tell you that it was Jesus Christ. Go to a foreign country and they’ll tell you it was Jesus Christ. Even most children can tell you it was Jesus Christ on that cross. Historians, besides Josephus, wrote about Jesus Christ.

My friend, Jesus Christ is not a made-up story. He was written about not only in the Bible, but by various historians of His time. History is a record of FACTS.

So, what is the problem with a cross in a public place? Crosses were used long before Jesus Christ was nailed to one. Crosses represented DEATH, the death of the person on the cross. Crosses in military cemeteries are there, not as a sign of Jesus Christ, but as a reminded that the soldier died for us, for our freedom. That is a fact!

Do YOU know who Jesus Christ REALLY is? He is God, who came to this earth as a human. He went to that cross out of His love for us, to give up His life, as a payment for our sins. Without the death of Jesus, we face eternity in Hell. Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven!

Pick up a Bible, read the four Gospels first. Find a Christian to help you to understand without the death of Jesus Christ, you are lost in sin!

The Bible in John 3:16 says that God loved us so much that He sent Jesus Christ to pay for our sins. Pick up a Bible today!

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