Greetings from Michigan; the “Winter-Waterland”.
My name is Frank Z. Peterson, I am 78 years old, I have been in prison in the past, in four different states, although long ago. I used to have a really bad temper and had a bad habit…..I’d stab people I got mad at! To relax after work I’d love to go fishing, to just sit under a tree, throw out a fishing line and wait for a fish to bite while listening to the birds chirp and feel a nice breeze was a wonderful thing for me. Every time I ended up in prison all I could think about was my release date and a date with a place to fish. Well, when I moved up here to Michigan I found quite a few nice lakes to fish in. Hubbard Lake, Clear Lake, I’d drive around by Oscoda up to Guinn, back down to Swarte creek area, up to Sanford Lake and all over, I loved it.
On my 76th birthday I rented a small row boat and went out to fish that way for a change. I had a life vest but never put it on. I rowed about 30 minutes then tossed out the anchor, baited my hook and cast out. I sat there drinking a cold beer, my radio playing music, relaxing. My fishing rod suddenly bent down, I had me a big old fish. The fight began. I’d reel him in a little, he fight harder to get away. It was about 20 minutes of trying to pull him in when all of a sudden I felt dizzy and I blacked out for a second, then I fell in the lake. I felt faint, I couldn’t grab hold of the boat, I felt myself go under, but I got back up, trying to grab the side of my boat. My left eye seemed to go black, my right eye was blurry. I went under again; I figured I was as good as dead now. Somehow I got back up and got into my boat, I then passed out for over an hour.
When I woke up I was sober, sober and scared as heck. I sat there another hour, just sat there. I rowed back to shore then went home. That night I had a long talk with God for real. I ended up going to church the next Sunday. That God is a mystery. The preacher preached about being “Fishers of Men”. I took it to heart and I am fishing for men, hoping you too will turn to Jesus Christ as your Saviour.
Editor: Paul Bero, Michigan Prisoner # 192686
Artist: Russ Jones
The Bible in John 3:16 says that God loved us so much that He sent Jesus Christ to pay for our sins. Pick up a Bible today!
This tract is © 2013. However, we invite anyone to reprint it for free distribution.
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P.O. Box 363
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