I am 27 years old, single, I live with my grandparents on a reservation. I want to reach out, not only to my Native American brothers and sisters, but to everyone who will allow me to share my story.
My parents died in a fiery car crash, they were trapped in the car, the car caught fire, and they burned to death in front of me years ago. My Father was drunk, so was my Mother. One day I realized that being burned to death was not as horrible as waking up in Hell, to be there for eternity! I was never raised to know God, our Savior and Creator, Jesus Christ. But the day I saw my parents inside the burning car, it was as if God showed me that Hell is a real place.
A week later, still crying; still talking to a God I did not know, I purchased a Bible, it was suggested I purchase a “study Bible” because it would help me to understand and it did. Not only did I spend months reading the Bible, I spent months studying it too. I soon came to truly know Jesus Christ, my Savior. Never in my life had I ever tried to sing, yet I found myself reading the words to the song “Amazing Grace”, the Grace that the book of Romans, in the Bible talks about. I don’t even read music, but I could sing “Amazing Grace “and some kids at the reservation came to hear me sing. I learned a few more songs and the kids came to hear me sing of God’s love and God’s Grace, what sweet melodies they are and I began to also share stories from the Bible. My Grandma and Grandpa sat at the table and I told them about Jesus and they believed. My younger sister believed too.
Everyone has an opportunity to seek God, if they come to the truth that Jesus Christ died for our sins. They can enter into God’s Kingdom. When people reject Jesus Christ, they enter an eternal torment. I still cry for my Mom and Dad but I know that a day will come when Jesus will wipe away my tears and I will enter God’s Kingdom for eternity.
Editor: Paul Bero, Michigan Prisoner #192686
Artist: Jamie S. Michigan Prisoner
Testimony of Melody Red Sky
The Bible in John 3:16 says that God loved us so much that He sent Jesus Christ to pay for our sins. Pick up a Bible today!
This tract is © 2013. However, we invite anyone to reprint it for free distribution.
I hope this tract has been a blessing to you. If you would like to read how others have experienced the life transforming power of God please write to me at the address below. We now have over 100 testimonies of those whose lives have been transformed by God’s amazing Grace and over 100 con-tracts, please send us your testimony as well.
Bro. Otto Ball
c/o Crossroads Ministry
P.O. Box 363
Hyde, PA 16843