This is not a joke! My name is Anne and I married Andy and not that long ago we were pretty Ragged. We are 36 years old; we live in the state of Maryland.
Andy and I were users of several illegal drugs for about 14 years. I guess we’ve done everything except crystal meth. We liked to get high and we were almost always high. I had been going to a school to become a chef when I was living with my parents in New York. Andy had finished college and vocational schooling and was a master electrician when we got married.
When we lived in Connecticut we started to hang out at a few bars and got introduced to cocaine and we used it for quite a while, trying other cheaper drugs too. Andy and I were busted in a raid while in the state of Virginia; everyone at that house got arrested. We spent the weekend locked up in a jail that was filthy and scary. When we appeared before the judge we were let off the hook with a warning. We moved several times to several states when we first got married.
On July 8, 2011 on a Friday night at about 11 pm I almost died from a mixture of drugs I’d been taking for several hours. Andy was also high at the time and when they could not feel or hear my heart beating, Andy sobered up and was scared to death that I was dead and for a few moments I may have been dead. I was not taken to the hospital because I started to breathe again on my own. When I came to I sat up and screamed one word, I screamed “Jesus”! We were in no way religious; we have never gone to a church all our lives. Why did I scream “Jesus”? I can’t explain it. What I can explain is that on Sunday, July 10, 2011 Andy and I attended a small Baptist church in Bristol, Virginia. A man we met there greeted us and gave us the message of salvation and we accepted Jesus as our Savior, then we stayed for their services. We’ve given up all drugs, we’ve gotten good jobs now, we are the happiest we’ve ever been, thanks to Jesus Christ our Savior.
Editor & Artist: Paul Bero, Michigan Prisoner # 192686
The Bible in John 3:16 says that God loved us so much that He sent Jesus Christ to pay for our sins. Pick up a Bible today!
This tract is © 2013. However, we invite anyone to reprint it for free distribution.
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Bro. Otto Ball
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P.O. Box 363
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