Pick up a newspaper or turn on a news station on your radio or TV and chances are you will discover that someone died a natural death, died very unexpectedly, died in an accident or was murdered. It is sad and shocking to hear of people who die at a young age, an unpleasant surprise for sure!
There have been movies made about people who somehow find out their death is near and then find ways to avoid death. The truth is that even before this world was created, God appointed a time for our death to come and it is impossible to change what God has decreed.
A friend of mine recently got on the subject of death. He said “I’d never want to die by being splattered by a bus!” All I could do was laugh. I explained to him two things: #1 If his death is to come in that manner, it cannot be changed. #2 He’d not feel or remember being splattered! The next day he told me that what I said made sense.
Death itself is not a problem; the problem is that most people are not truly prepared for the life after this life. Many people do not believe in life after this life.
I look at it this way: It is far better to believe in and prepare for the afterlife than not to. If you do not prepare for the next life and there is a next life, you have way too much to lose. In the Bible God warns us of an eternal torment that unbelievers will be sent to. An unbeliever is anyone who does not believe and place 100% faith in, that Jesus Christ gave up His life on the Cross to pay the price for our wickedness. Some people think they live a pretty good life, but God says that none of us does good (read the book of Romans, chapter 3, verses 11 and12). Our only hope is in God’s grace, that Jesus Christ paid a debt that none of us could ever pay, (read Romans, chapter 8,verse 1).
Reading the Bible will help you understand, but you still must believe in the way God ordained for us to be saved. If you’re not ready for death get ready, trust in Jesus Christ now!
CON-TRACTS Editor: Paul Bero, Michigan Prisoner #192686 Artist: Dennis Preston The Bible in John 3:16 says that God loved us so much that He sent Jesus Christ to pay for our sins. Pick up a Bible today! This tract is © 2013. However, we invite anyone to reprint it for free distribution. I hope this testimony has been a blessing to you. If you would like to read how others have experienced the life transforming power of God please write to me at the address below. We now have over 100 testimonies of those whose lives have been transformed by God’s amazing Grace Andover 100 con-tracts, please send us your testimony as well. Bro. Otto Ball c/o Crossroads Ministry P.O. Box 363 Hyde, PA 16843