All about the birds and the bees

When I was growing up all I would hear is “Have you heard about the birds and the bees?” All the kids would be talking about the BIRDS AND THE BEES. Adults would be asking; “DID YOU TELL YOUR KID ABOUT THE BIRDS AND THE BEES?” To be quite honest I never did understand the big deal about it! Even today, I’ll bet you saw the tract and thought “OH BOY, THE BIRDS AND THE BEES!” None of it ever made any sense to me! Well, I was watching TV the other day and this lady asked another lady, “HEY DON’T YOU KNOW ABOUT THE BIRDS AND THE BEES?” Why, oh why is this such a curious subject? Well, I finally decided to do some research and end the famous mysteries of the BIRDS AND THE BEES! I am not going to hold back, I am going to tell it like it is! Don’t read this if you cannot handle the facts! Don’t read any further if you cannot handle the truth! If you feel a little nervous maybe you should stop here! This information is not intended for everyone, be sure you can handle the facts! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Now, after much reading and research I have found the following to be true facts:

Birds have feathers, bees don’t. Bees have stingers, birds don’t. Birds whistle pretty tunes, bees don’t. Bees have more legs than birds. Birds eat grains, bees don’t. Bees don’t like cold weather. Some birds eat worms, bees don’t. Birds like bird baths, bees don’t even have bee baths! You know, I wrote a list of 843 differences between the BIRDS AND THE BEES and I still don’t see what the big fuss is! I sure do hope that this helped you all!

One other thing that I researched and found to be TRUE was that the Bible is the Word of God. I discovered that when God created the world, Adam and Eve, the parents of the entire human race, disobeyed God. They ate from a special tree that God told them not to touch! As soon as Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they began to have all the problems we now have. They began to grow older. They would get sick. They would get diseases. They had to pull weeds out of the gardens they’d planted. They would get bitten by mosquitoes. They would feel pain and one day, they would no longer be alive. They got the whole shebang of bad stuff! Worst of all, they could no longer  be in God’s presence! The Bible tells us that even though God had to do these things to Adam and Eve, and to all of their offspring, God still loved them all! But God knew that humans were just notable to keep from sinning, every human that ever lived or that will ever live will sin! What would God have to do to save man from hell and to allow humans into His Kingdom again? Well, there was only ONE thing that God would accept, a SINLESS OFFERING. So, God sent His only special Son into the world, as a payment for what we owed. Yes, Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, came to earth as a human, without sin, and He went to that old rugged cross and He then gave up His life to save us. THAT IS LOVE, GOD’S LOVE! The only thing that God requires from us is to truly believe that Jesus PAID FOR OUR SINS.

I urge YOU, TODAY; understand that you are a sinner, totally separated from God. There is not one or one million good deeds you could ever do to get into Heaven. The ONLY WAY is faith in Jesus Christ! Find a Christian to talk to, one that is active in a bible believing church or call a Pastor of a Bible believing church. Turn to God today, the ONLY WAY God will accept, through His Son, Jesus Christ.


Editor: Paul Bero, Michigan Prisoner #192686

The Bible in John 3:16 says that God loved us so much that He sent Jesus Christ to pay for our sins. Pick up a Bible today! This tract is © 2012. However, we invite anyone to reprint it for free distribution.

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